We’re pleased to announce that Eaton Smith and The Personnel Partnership are continuing their popular series of practical and interactive workshops aimed at all managers with responsibility for people management and HR staff who would welcome additional skills development. The trainers have received excellent feedback from all in attendance and have been described as: “trainers are very good, there is clear communication and they are very open to discussions started by attendees” and the workshops have been described as “excellent”, “very useful” “relevant”, “educational and enjoyable” and “very informative and interactive”.

Each workshop will cost £75 plus VAT and will include refreshments and all training materials.

Restructures and Redundancy: 24 January 2017 9.30am – 12.30pm

Over recent years many businesses have had to consider whether to restructure to save costs or to reduce their staff headcount due to a reduction in work or income. In this workshop we will take a strategic look at the factors to consider when re-structuring a department or a business, and how you might go about changing an employee’s job role and their terms and conditions. We will look at the selection and consultation process for ensuring a fair and legal redundancy procedure, and we will also look at alternatives to redundancy such as lay off and short time working, and redundancy procedures including the use of “bumping” and trial periods.  Redundancy is such an emotive issue, so we’ll also look at how to move forwards positively after a redundancy programme,

Difficult Conversations – “it’s not me, it’s you”: 21 March 2017 9.30am – 12.30pm

We all dread that situation where we have to sit down across the table from someone and start an awkward conversation, but sometimes it just has to be done! Whether you’re dealing with an issue of personal hygiene or suspected alcohol abuse, mediating a personality clash between colleagues, tackling issues of poor performance with an employee who may view your attempts at management as bullying or discrimination, or dismissing a good egg who has lost their way, we can guide you through the process and give you the tools you need to confidently approach that difficult conversation and take action

Dealing with Genuine Sickness and Disability: 16 May 2017 9.30am – 12.30pm

Following the success of the “Monday sickie” workshop, in which we looked at how to deal with those disruptive one day absences, Kate and Helen will be looking at how to deal with those genuine cases of sickness which have a longer lasting impact on your business. Perhaps you’ve had to address the difficult issue of an employee who is no longer able to satisfactorily perform their duties because of ill health – how do you performance manage them when you know it isn’t their fault? Or, perhaps you have an employee who is on long term sick leave and you’re not sure when or if they’ll be back. We’ll look at strategies for coping with capability issues and long term sickness, the new Fit For Work scheme and what steps you might take to dismiss a member of staff for capability.

Disciplinary: from investigation to dismissal: 4 July 2017 9.30am – 12.30pm

As busy managers or HR Practitioners, it can be hard to know where to start when an allegation lands on your desk – have you got time to deal with it properly, and what are the pitfalls to taking a procedural shortcut? In this workshop, we’ll look at practical scenarios of disciplinary allegations and how to investigate them efficiently and thoroughly without absorbing too much management time, we’ll then work through a disciplinary procedure from start to finish, including useful template letters, so that you’ll be ready to tackle the next allegation head on.

Performance Management: 19 September 2017 9.30am – 12.30pm

Back for the third time, this popular workshop looks at how to get the best out of your staff via a performance management process. If employees are working at their optimum performance level and concentrating on tasks that will help drive the business forwards, then they can make a significant contribution to the success of your business. We will look at how to do this by using a strategic approach to performance management and show you how to deal with poor performance issues at an early stage before they become unwieldy. We will consider what to include in a performance management policy and give you lots of ideas to help you create your own or change your existing policy. We will also look at how performance management might lead to dismissal, and how it may be used to your favour in the Employment Tribunals.

Employee Relations: Your Questions Answered! 14 November 2017 9.30am – 12.30pm

To round off the year, we’ll be looking at common problems that businesses experience in order to help you to spot the pitfalls before you fall in them and equip you for employee relations issues in 2018! Before the workshop, we’ll send you a pre-learning questionnaire to find out if there are any specific scenarios that you have faced or are facing and that we can help you with and we’ll then work through them within the workshop. We’ll also prepare anonymised case studies based on live situations that we’ve dealt with during 2017 to ensure that you leave the session with lots of practical learning points.

Who are your trainers?

Kate Booth from Eaton Smith – Kate is a Partner with Eaton Smith, and a Notary Public, and was shortlisted for the Yorkshire Legal Awards “Rising Star” award in 2016. She is an experienced solicitor specialising in employment law, with particular interest in business acquisitions (including the TUPE Regulations), restructures and discrimination issues. Kate has been dealing with employment law issues for many businesses in and around Kirklees and nationally for the last eight years and was an advisor to the House of Commons’ Justice Committee on Employment Tribunal Fees. She brings with her practical examples of what can and does go wrong in the workplace and how you might address this!

Helen Straw from The Personnel Partnership – Helen is the Managing Director of The Personnel Partnership and is also a Chartered corporate member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.  Helen operates at a senior level, providing HR support and advice during times of company set up, business growth, major reorganisations and deals with complex employee issues.  She has developed and implemented a range of HR policies and strategies as well as managed day to day operations and developed and delivered HR training programmes across the UK for many small to medium businesses and larger blue chip companies. Helen is both pragmatic and commercially savvy.

Group booking discount: if you book 3 or more workshops in one go or book 3 or more people into a particular workshop you will receive a discount of 10%.